3 ks of Shotokan karate

Shotokan Karate Vs.Taekwondo
Shotokan Karate Vs.Taekwondo What do you think of when you hear the words “karate” and “taekwondo?” Do they conjure different images for you? Some people might see karate as a martial art involving a lot of punching and kicking, while others might see taekwondo as...
Why Learn Karate? 5 amazing reasons to read.
Why Learn Karate? Do you want to be able to defend yourself if attacked? Check this post called. “Why Learn Karate.” To see why Abby and I say to try out this sport. I have a bit of a longer article here, so you know precisely why learning karate is good...
Florida Gold Karate Championships.
Florida Gold Karate Championships. We went to the Florida Gold Karate Championships, and we Now have a video out on our Channel; check it out down below. As you can see by the title of this post. We went to this tournament, and now Abby and I didn’t do as well...